M41 Pulse Rifle:
Kit Alien OD montato su base Thompson Snow Wolf, per ottenere
il fucile usato da Sigourney Weaver nella serie Alien.
Indicatore a Led di pallini nel caricatore. Finto lanciagranate.
Calcio retrattile. Il contacolpi a led funziona sia con caricatore
da 190 che da 400bb.
Ovviamente il Thompson è compreso.
Lunghezza: 680/780mm.
Peso: 3735gr. Per info e/o acquisto veloce senza account:
A replica of the fictional M41A Pulse Rifle rifle, which is the
standard equipment of the Colonial Marines and at the same
time one of the iconic - next to the Han Solo’s blaster and the
Space Marines bolter - sci-fi shooting weapons.
The rifle firts appeared in the movie "Aliens" from 1986, which
is the second part of the saga about the fight of Ellen Ripley
with the Aliens inhabiting the treacherous depths of space.
The Pulse Rifle has absolutely dominated the imagination of
any science fiction fan who was into military and firearms.
standard equipment of the Colonial Marines and at the same
time one of the iconic - next to the Han Solo’s blaster and the
Space Marines bolter - sci-fi shooting weapons.
The rifle firts appeared in the movie "Aliens" from 1986, which
is the second part of the saga about the fight of Ellen Ripley
with the Aliens inhabiting the treacherous depths of space.
The Pulse Rifle has absolutely dominated the imagination of
any science fiction fan who was into military and firearms.
The M41A Pulse Rifle replica was built on the basis of the
proven SW-05 model by Snow Wolf, which will be adored by
every fan of the Aliens series (or - SciFi lover in general).
Until now, the construction of the M41A required significant
financial costs - not only owning the M1A1 replica but
mounting an expensive conversion on it.
Now, thanks to the introduction of the finished product to the
market, it is possible to obtain even better results at a
much lower cost.
proven SW-05 model by Snow Wolf, which will be adored by
every fan of the Aliens series (or - SciFi lover in general).
Until now, the construction of the M41A required significant
financial costs - not only owning the M1A1 replica but
mounting an expensive conversion on it.
Now, thanks to the introduction of the finished product to the
market, it is possible to obtain even better results at a
much lower cost.
The replica was made of a uniform zinc and aluminum alloy and durable polymer plastic. Thanks to the retractable stock and oval shape, operating the replica is relatively comfortable (taking into account, of course, its monstrous sizes).
The rifle is equipped with a functional shot counter, counting from 95 to 0. The most interesting aspect of the counter is that after resetting the it, the countdown starts again only after removing and reattaching a magazine.
The replica is fed with standard, short SW-05 magazines with a capacity of 190 BB’s. It should be noted that other magazines for the SW-05 are not compatible with the replica. Magazines are loaded on the basis of internal inserts - in order to change the magazine, it is necessary to open the bottom hatch securing the socket.
The replica is powered by a stick type battery, located on the front, under the barrel, in the grenade launcher dummy.
It is certainly not a typical replica for Sunday shooters, but due to its symbolism, uniqueness and pure fun from shooting it, it will be appreciated by every fan of science fiction.